Urf - et tu Loren? The hand-wringing over "climate change" has been over-the-top with every event. Too hot? Climate crisis? Too cold? Climate. Blizzard from hell? Climate!
Climate is not weather and, more importantly: All models are wrong, but some are useful. One thing that climate alarmists will not allow other scientists to do is to look behind the curtain of their models for deep scrutiny, as if they are afraid that someone might find something critical of their findings.
Is climate "changing?" Probably - nature does that. Do we need have collective apoplexy over it? No. Hell, even the earth's magnetic poles switch every 300,000 years or so; and even now airports have had to re-label their runways recently due to the shift. (See: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/airport-runway-names-shift-magnetic-field)
Wouldn't we all? However, you cannot live your life worried about such things, you just have to keep moving forward. I'm a firm believer in: "I'll believe it's a crisis when those telling me it's crisis start acting as though there is one."
Until such time as the world ends, I will act as though it intends to spin on.
Urf - et tu Loren? The hand-wringing over "climate change" has been over-the-top with every event. Too hot? Climate crisis? Too cold? Climate. Blizzard from hell? Climate!
Climate is not weather and, more importantly: All models are wrong, but some are useful. One thing that climate alarmists will not allow other scientists to do is to look behind the curtain of their models for deep scrutiny, as if they are afraid that someone might find something critical of their findings.
Is climate "changing?" Probably - nature does that. Do we need have collective apoplexy over it? No. Hell, even the earth's magnetic poles switch every 300,000 years or so; and even now airports have had to re-label their runways recently due to the shift. (See: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/airport-runway-names-shift-magnetic-field)
Yup, Harry. Me, too. I'm no scientist, but there's a lot at stake, and it does strike me as a conversation worth having.
It's a conversation worth having, but a conversation; not the Henny Penny one that has been going on for decades. The sky is not falling.
I would love to be sure of that!
Wouldn't we all? However, you cannot live your life worried about such things, you just have to keep moving forward. I'm a firm believer in: "I'll believe it's a crisis when those telling me it's crisis start acting as though there is one."
Until such time as the world ends, I will act as though it intends to spin on.