We played with pricing for years. There's a great book on pricing that I love, called, "Confessions of the Pricing Man." We recently tried reducing all our prices, we love to be contrarians, and it's given us a real leg up on Amazon rankings for our headsets. Price increases are good, but sometimes being different is even better. I'm not saying we've got this right, we're just testing. :)
We played with pricing for years. There's a great book on pricing that I love, called, "Confessions of the Pricing Man." We recently tried reducing all our prices, we love to be contrarians, and it's given us a real leg up on Amazon rankings for our headsets. Price increases are good, but sometimes being different is even better. I'm not saying we've got this right, we're just testing. :)
We played with pricing for years. There's a great book on pricing that I love, called, "Confessions of the Pricing Man." We recently tried reducing all our prices, we love to be contrarians, and it's given us a real leg up on Amazon rankings for our headsets. Price increases are good, but sometimes being different is even better. I'm not saying we've got this right, we're just testing. :)
That's really interesting, Mike. Make sure you let us know how it goes!