In the kayak on the lake…

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Ha, completely agree James! There’s magic in exercise if you’re working on a complex problem. https://www.trig.com/tangents/how-training-for-the-olympic-trials-inspired-our-product-design-process

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Jul 17, 2021Liked by Loren Feldman

In conversations when discussing challenging problems - especially when I get asked a tough question. Sharing thoughts together with other people freshens my thinking and causes me to put together ideas I simple didn't have until that moment.

Making time for good conversation takes blocking my calendar and prearranging space with colleagues I respect to wrestle with difficult subjects. My strongest relationships are with people that I can tag-team problems with.

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*simple => simply

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We need a catch-up conversation, Chris Hutchinson!

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Jul 17, 2021Liked by Loren Feldman

Ready to tag-team when you are :o)

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Jul 17, 2021Liked by Loren Feldman

I belong to 2 Mastermind Groups. I often get ideas during the discussions and 'hot seats' while listening to others' problems.

Sometimes, I wake up with an idea or get it in the shower.

By posing a problem before bedtime or by quieting the mind as during a shower or meditation, ideas or resolutions to challenges seem to magically appear.

My challenge has always been in taking the "idea" and moving it forward into coordinated action.

Walt would never have built an empire without his brother Roy. There are actually more Walts than Roys out there. Ideas abound...putting them into effective action is the real challenge.

I'm a Walt and still awaiting my Roy.

Talking about Disney of course!

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Podcasts and You Tube videos! Next to 21 Hats, I love "How I Built This" and David Novack's podcasts. And I love TED Talks, Simon Sinek and Gary Vee You Tube videos.

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Jul 17, 2021Liked by Loren Feldman

We mostly gather inspiration...and maybe a few business ideas slip in there too : ). Going to museums, reading architectural magazines, and finding a great Instagram all contribute to our design work. It's hard to make time between deadlines, but necessary to stay current.

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Riding my bike to work, and talking to people.

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